Heather Olson
Fan Corner

Got a question? Heather will try to answer one or two questions a week!

Questions may be edited for grammar and coherence. You may only ask one question a week. Do not ask Heather for show spoilers, she will not answer those questions. Please read the other questions and make sure your question hasn't already been answered.

? Ask it here

Heather Lauren Olson
c/o Days of Our Lives
NBC Studios
3000 W. Alameda Ave.
Burbank, CA 91523

Jodi asks: What is it like playing such an evil person like Jan?
A: It is tons of fun to play evil Jan. I love it!!!!!

Ashtyn asks: Are you as mean in real life as Jan is on Days?
A: I hope not! If I was I wouldn't have any friends!!!

RadicalGal asks: I was just wondering, how do you stay so skinny? Are you just natually that way or do you follow some kind of diet plan?
A: Thanks for the compliment! I just try to eat healthy and work out at the gym regularly. A healthy diet and a little exercise go a long way!

Kirsti asks: How old are you? Also, what do you recommend for an aspiring actress? How do you recommend getting my name out to an agent?
A: I am 18 years old. I would recommend to anyone that wants to get in to acting to take some acting classes in their home town. High school drama club is a great way to get a feel for acting and to see if you really like it. As far as getting an agent, you can call SAG (the Screen Actors Guild) and request an agent list. Most agents are in LA or NY, but you may find some in your home state. If you find an agent close to you call and ask for an interview. Then take it from there! GOOD LUCK!!

Tasha asks: Do you get along with Nadia Bjorlin in real life? Your acting is so realistic! I love your work, by the way.
A: Nadia is really sweet, and we get along great. Thanks for the compliment!

Amanda asks: Do you have a fan e-mail besides this one? Are you going to be at the Days luncheon or will you be making any other appearances?
A: This is my only fan e-mail. Any appearances I will be attending or have attended I list on my site, so always check for upcoming events! I will be attending the fan luncheon this year, but the date has not been set. Thanks for your interest!

Melissa asks: I am a big fan of yours. I think you portray Jan very well. I was wondering if you could send me an autographed picture of yourself?
A: If any of my fans wants an autographed picture just write to me at the address listed on the Contact page. It may take a few weeks, but I will send you a picture!

LIsa asks: I wanted to know what your plans are for the future now that you just turned 18. Do you have any plans of moving out and living on your own and is there anything you would like to get done in the future since you're a legal adult?
A: I am happy living at home right now. Free rent, how can you beat that? LOL! My plans are to continue acting and to have fun!

Chelsea asks: If you could visit any place in the would, where would it be?
A: I would like to go to Disney World, Hawaii, Europe, and any tropical place.

Bryan asks: If I send you a letter, will you write back to me? I have so many questions I'd like to ask you.
A: I send a biography and autographed photo to everyone that sends me a fan letter. If you have questions that my bio or my site doesn't answer, the best way to get an answer is to submit it to QNAWithHeather@yahoo.com. Thanks for your interest!

Holly asks: In your bio it says you know sign language. How and why did you learn it?
A: I learned sign language when I was very little. I saw a show called "Say it with Sign" on television and was immediately intrigued by the language. I taught myself the language with help from watching the show and reading a book about sign language.


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